
Creative BT provides powerful solutions by working closely with our partners. It’s our job to make sure there’s a clear fit to your requirements. For example; Remote Editing Platforms, Access to Terrestrial & Cloud Based Assets, Digital Video Storage & Management, AI Search Capabilities Throughout Your Domain, Multi-site Replication, and more…

Companies we partner with & why ...

Creative BT selects partners based on the following criteria:

  • Solutions fit with our customer’s requirements and long term goals. As example: Shared Storage Workflow, Digital Video Storage, Multi-Site Replication, Migration to Cloud Storage, Network Software, Media Asset Management & Hardware, etc.
  • Secondly: The potential partner is showing ability to mitigate the risks. In other words, the risks caused by the change in business needs, technology, requirements, and the economy.
  • Consequently, the partners demonstrates ability to reduce a customer’s operational expenses that make sense.
  • Most importantly; Fast time-to-value, i.e. minimal professional services needed once deployed and operational.
  • Publishers & Manufacturers that are responsive to customer requests.
  • In conclusion, overall Customer Satisfaction.

10 Reasons why we should work together


  1. We have real-world experience, references and success stories.
  2. We have over 25 years of industry experience.
  3. We’re a pro-active solution provider, not a reactive one.
  4. We'll work hard to be non-disruptive to your workflow.
  5. We strive for excellence and settle for nothing less.
  6. Our pricing is always competitive and fair.
  7. You’ll get best of solutions and measurable results.
  8. We provide a high level of support to ensure you project success.
  9. Working with us is an enjoyable experience.
  10. We’re big enough to handle any project, but small enough to care.