Creative BT provides powerful solutions by working closely with our partners. It’s our job to make sure there’s a clear fit to your requirements. For example; Remote Editing Platforms, Access to Terrestrial & Cloud Based Assets, Digital Video Storage & Management, AI Search Capabilities Throughout Your Domain, Multi-site Replication, and more…
Companies we partner with & why ...
Creative BT selects partners based on the following criteria:
- Solutions fit with our customer’s requirements and long term goals. As example: Shared Storage Workflow, Digital Video Storage, Multi-Site Replication, Migration to Cloud Storage, Network Software, Media Asset Management & Hardware, etc.
- Secondly: The potential partner is showing ability to mitigate the risks. In other words, the risks caused by the change in business needs, technology, requirements, and the economy.
- Consequently, the partners demonstrates ability to reduce a customer’s operational expenses that make sense.
- Most importantly; Fast time-to-value, i.e. minimal professional services needed once deployed and operational.
- Publishers & Manufacturers that are responsive to customer requests.
- In conclusion, overall Customer Satisfaction.
10 Reasons why we should work together
- We have real-world experience, references and success stories.
- We have over 25 years of industry experience.
- We’re a pro-active solution provider, not a reactive one.
- We'll work hard to be non-disruptive to your workflow.
- We strive for excellence and settle for nothing less.
- Our pricing is always competitive and fair.
- You’ll get best of solutions and measurable results.
- We provide a high level of support to ensure you project success.
- Working with us is an enjoyable experience.
- We’re big enough to handle any project, but small enough to care.