ArchiWare P5 Bru Trade-In Special

Get 50% off for all archive installations with a BRU trade-in until March 31st 2021!

  • Mini-MAM browsable offline catalogue
  • Thumbnails & Proxies
  • Powerful search
  • Customizable metadata fields
  • All in a browser interface


Tolis Group, the manufacturer of BRU and ArGest software has recently been acquired. Providing future-proof data management for BRU customers, Archiware offers a 50% trade-in discount on all archive installations.

The 50% discount is granted for a complete, one-time order of Archiware P5. The trade-in special covers the cost of an entire installation, including slot and storage licenses. Additionally, the discount is not limited to the cost of the BRU or ArGest installation that is being replaced.

Creative BT offers a fully functioning evaluation copy of P5 Software at no cost with no obligation to purchase.

In addition to the free evaluation software you also will have support and we are happy answer any questions you many have.

Please get in touch with us;